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Maritime Law
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  Phone number
(5411) 5555-1440
(5411) 5648-7380 Av. Corrientes 222 Floor 14
C1043AAP – Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

CICALA & ASOCIADOS law firm started on June 1st, 2009 as a response to the various unsatisfied legal needs, pertaining to common daily business situations, which the international trade exchange market main actors (owners, disponent owners, charterers, shippers, consignees, stevedores, etc.) have to face.

The members have over 10 years of experience in the shipping business, an extremely important tool that provides clients with an easy understanding and comprehension of every situation and, also, proper legal consulting.

Its more valuable assets are the expertise and honesty of the members, who have a single goal: client satisfaction guaranteed by a professional and exclusive dedication, as well as a high standard negotiation profile.

The firm acts before Argentinean courts, PNA (Coast Guard) and Customs, and it also provides legal consulting on the following issues:

• Maritime liens and ship mortgages
• Attachment and seizure of ships
• Marine insurance issues
• Damages and average
• Salvage and towing
• Administration and pool agreements
• Draft of different kinds of contracts, such as affreightment, charter parties and other shipping agreements-
• Charter party & bills of lading disputes
• Freight Claims
• Contractual disputes
• General cargo and Containers cargo claims
• Luggage damage or lost claims
• Limitation of Liability
• Agency & Freight forwarding disputes
• Time sheets calculations and disputes arising from demurrage, dispatch, detention and dead freight .
